Lunch and an unexpected cheering up

I finally decided to eat my salad, and then got interrupted by an inpromptu meeting which went well (showing my team what I’ve been working on). And then on the way back to the office, I talked with my boss, who asked me how I’ve been feeling – we’ve been getting close lately after I broke down in a performance review. His wife dealt with endo and infertility and they lost their first child last year. She’s pregnant again (and always in my thoughts) so he understands my stress over all of this, and I feel like I can talk to him about it, so I told him about my appointment today and it wound up making me feel a little better.

Feeling a little drowsy but I’ve gotten the pain manageable, for now. Have to drive home, so I have to be careful. Tonight I want to spend some time in the kitchen, take care of my rat, and relax on the couch. Maybe do my nails or something else for *me.*

Lunch was a salad of really wonderful fresh romaine, tofu (yes, I know, soy is not on the list, but for some reason I spaced out when I bought it – and it’s really wonderful fresh tofu), and vegetarian caesar dressing. (When I’m out of that I’ll have to make a good vegan one).  Having some cookie dough oat balls and chocolate coconut date balls for dessert – who needs cookies??

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Lunch (and still no snow day)

It has stopped snowing for the moment, but promises to get more slushy and disgusting later. I’d really rather be home. Also, lots of pain makes it hard to work. I took a bit of a walk around my building but I really wasn’t feeling well, and that sucked. And I hate feeling how out of shape I am. I used to run up the 3 flights of stairs to the top, and back down and around (it’s a very fun and winding old building) View from my building:

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Snack this morning was strawberry kiwi fruit leather (i love my dehydrator!), lunch was leftover GF vegan mac & cheese and a salad with black beans, avocado, and chipotle ranch dressing. Chocolate coconut date balls for a snack. I packed a lot of food today in case I got hungry – as long as I’m eating clean, I don’t want to let myself be hungry/tempted to eat something I shouldn’t . I feel like I’m doing really well, and this diet switch has been much easier on me than I thought it would be. I haven’t weighed myself (I probably should, just for progress’ sake – or maybe just wait til the doctor next week and see if there’s a change?) but I do feel like I have lost some weight, and I’ve certainly gained some energy and am feeling better, even with the pain that never ends.

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I love cooking and making food from scratch, I love eating clean, healthy food, and most importantly, i love WANTING to eat that way. I love health foods and recipes and trying new food – if only I weren’t so broke, I have an entire amazon wish list of gluten free ingredients and new health foods to try! But, even being broke, I’m doing really well and I’m really happy – I can stick with this. It will always be harder with the boyfriend or eating out, but I think I’ll have a lot of support from him now because I’m doing this for my health.

Also, I finished The China Study – if you haven’t read it, please do! It’s such an important book, and I think everyone should be privy to every last bit of information in it.


Got riled up over this ridiculousness this morning – There is a lot of craziness in the world, but as this blog post put it, this was a loss for everyone, especially women. That lady is nuts. (TL;DR – woman at conference overheard seemingly innocuous “dongle” joke and misinterpreted “forking a repo.” called the guys out on twitter instead of saying something. One guy got fired, she got fired, internet is all in a tizzy. As a female programmer I have so many thoughts about this. Mostly dirty jokes about dongles and forking repos.)

Anyway, still feeling awful and sick. I just want to go home and curl up in a ball. I think I didn’t quite pack enough food today. Also, I never cease to be amazed at the amount of sugar in even “healthy” processed food (I know I bought this greek yogurt recently and i did intend it to be dessert since it has chocolate, but i’m definitely trying to eat up these frozen dinners). There are 13 g of sugar in 100g of yogurt. And 12g of sugar in my frozen dinner (although it tasted like much, much more – too sweet.) I do like Healthy Choice and their ingredient list is generally better than Lean Cuisine, but that’s 5 tsp of sugar just in my lunch! not to count the brown rice syrup in my homemade granola bars, or any of the naturally occuring sugars in the fruit in my smoothie. I mostly care about added sugars, but geez. Makes me think.

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Hoping for a quiet afternoon. Reviewed my part of the project and now it’s time for my co-worker to work on it, so aside from doing some testing, I’m planning on relaxing a little and reading.