Cold, cold go away!

Definitely not hayfever. Slept most of the day on the couch yesterday, woke up and had some lean cuisine and then went back to bed. Woke up today still feeling awful and still in lots of pain. Feels like I got hit in a couple of my incision sites, I don’t know why I’m so sore. Bummer of a weekend. Went to the produce store to get oranges, kale, spinach, mint, cucumbers, strawberries, and kiwi. Making strawberry kiwi fruit leather in the dehydrator. Made a smoothie with 3 oranges, banana, spinach, kale, almond milk, and vanilla. I was going for a green orange Julius but it wound up being pretty bitter so I added some stevia.

Also, I learned that “juice oranges” means “cheap, ugly, sweet oranges that will turn your fingers to bloody stumps if you try to peel them.”

I don’t know how i can be sick when I’m eating so many fruits and vegetables. It hardly seems fair.

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Got riled up over this ridiculousness this morning – There is a lot of craziness in the world, but as this blog post put it, this was a loss for everyone, especially women. That lady is nuts. (TL;DR – woman at conference overheard seemingly innocuous “dongle” joke and misinterpreted “forking a repo.” called the guys out on twitter instead of saying something. One guy got fired, she got fired, internet is all in a tizzy. As a female programmer I have so many thoughts about this. Mostly dirty jokes about dongles and forking repos.)

Anyway, still feeling awful and sick. I just want to go home and curl up in a ball. I think I didn’t quite pack enough food today. Also, I never cease to be amazed at the amount of sugar in even “healthy” processed food (I know I bought this greek yogurt recently and i did intend it to be dessert since it has chocolate, but i’m definitely trying to eat up these frozen dinners). There are 13 g of sugar in 100g of yogurt. And 12g of sugar in my frozen dinner (although it tasted like much, much more – too sweet.) I do like Healthy Choice and their ingredient list is generally better than Lean Cuisine, but that’s 5 tsp of sugar just in my lunch! not to count the brown rice syrup in my homemade granola bars, or any of the naturally occuring sugars in the fruit in my smoothie. I mostly care about added sugars, but geez. Makes me think.

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Hoping for a quiet afternoon. Reviewed my part of the project and now it’s time for my co-worker to work on it, so aside from doing some testing, I’m planning on relaxing a little and reading.



Another busy day… I slept in today and had to rush, had my smoothie to go in the car. And a granola bar when I got to work. I’m not in too much pain today, but I feel really sick – cold and flu-y. I need to go sleep more..

Today’s smoothie was green tea, lots of kale and spinach, and cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and grapes.

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I need to have more tea…


Another Sick Day

Tuesdays don’t seem to be too great for me, do they? This time it’s some sort of cold/flu that I’ve been fighting. Home sick/sort of working from home.

Decided to start off the day with a very green smoothie – clementines, green tea, mixed greens, kale, parsley, and some mixed fruit. Followed by a pile of vitamins and supplements, so let’s hope i kick this fast! (FYI – I usually only post one cup/glass of my smoothies – but they’re usually a whole blender-full. I’ve been using disposable cups because I hate the environment (no, i don’t, i just didn’t want to have a lot of dishes following my surgery so i bought disposable everything) and it’s usually at least 2 solo cups of veggie goodness 🙂

Photo Mar 19, 8 52 45 AM